Success is Served Cold, and Slow. / Weekly Recap 02

Southern MO has been getting quite a chill with an arctic blast coming in, and on top of that I’ve been getting sick again I think! But, I choose to focus on the successes this week, instead of the struggles. I had one of the most exciting times in a while, where I finally released footage and media promoting our new product care wax, Blazing Ember Metal Balm. It took a while, but for once I finally had good photos and video before really spreading the word online. Huge thanks to the folks on my email list though who got in on it early. You rock!

This is a product people have unwittingly asked for quite a few times over the years. Often when I would sell a steak flipper at a market people would love it, then get a confused look and ask how to care for it. I didn’t have a great answer, and I didn’t like that. This is the most fool proof way I can help my customers continue to enjoy their goods for years, decades, and generations to come.

If you want more info on Blazing Ember Metal Balm, a good way to get the whole run down is to watch the video I put together on YouTube for it! It tells all about what it does and how to use it. Hilariously, I finally got this chance to use my new mic, but it wasn’t working the whole time lol! You can watch the video by clicking here.

Down below is just some of the product we produced this week. It may have had it’s challenges, but progress was still made. Look on the bright side, stay warm, and look forward to getting outside when the sun is!


Weekly Recap 01